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CAS 7601-90-3 | Data Package 1 - 10 t/a

Price: POA
All endpoints used in the EU REACH dossier and needed in the Turkey REACH dossier.

Product Features:

  • CAS 7601-90-3

  • EC 231-512-4

  • Perchloric acid

  • ClHO4


Study name Short Description Data Owner
Phys-Chem | Appearance/physical state/colour Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Budavari S | Year: 2001 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Appearance/physical state/colour Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Gangolli S | Year: 1999 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Appearance/physical state/colour Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Lewis RJ | Year: 1996 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Melting point/freezing point Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Gangolli S | Year: 1999 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Melting point/freezing point Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Budavari S | Year: 2001 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Melting point/freezing point Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Lewis RJ | Year: 1996 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Boiling point Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Budavari S | Year: 2001 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Boiling point Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Lewis RJ | Year: 1996 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Boiling point Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Gangolli S | Year: 1999 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Density Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Budavari S | Year: 2001 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Density Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Lewis RJ | Year: 1996 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Density Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Gangolli S | Year: 1999 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure Robust Study Summary -- Title: Vapour pressure measurement of Perchloric acid at 293.15K | Author: Rousseaux P Rivollet F | Year: 2007 | Guideline: 104 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. -
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure Right to refer to study -- Title: Vapour pressure measurement of Perchloric acid at 293.15K | Author: Rousseaux P Rivollet F | Year: 2007 | Guideline: 104 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. -
Phys-Chem | Water solubility Robust Study Summary -- Title: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 71th ed. | Author: Lide David R. | Year: 1991 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Water solubility Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Gangolli S | Year: 1999 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Water solubility Robust Study Summary -- Title: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 71th ed. | Author: Lide David R. | Year: 1991 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Phys-Chem | Explosive properties Robust Study Summary -- Title: Explosive properties and auto-ignition temperature tests on Aqueous solution of Perchloric acid | Author: Demangel B. | Year: 2013 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Explosive properties Right to refer to study -- Title: Explosive properties and auto-ignition temperature tests on Aqueous solution of Perchloric acid | Author: Demangel B. | Year: 2013 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Auto-ignition temperature Robust Study Summary -- Title: Explosive properties and auto-ignition temperature tests on Aqueous solution of Perchloric acid | Author: Demangel B. | Year: 2013 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Auto-ignition temperature Right to refer to study -- Title: Explosive properties and auto-ignition temperature tests on Aqueous solution of Perchloric acid | Author: Demangel B. | Year: 2013 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) Robust Study Summary -- Title: Bacterial reverse mutation test | Author: Haddouk H | Year: 2003 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) Right to refer to study -- Title: Bacterial reverse mutation test | Author: Haddouk H | Year: 2003 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral Robust Study Summary -- Title: Acute toxicity in rats "Acute toxic class method" | Author: Klein E | Year: 2003 | Guideline: 423 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral Right to refer to study -- Title: Acute toxicity in rats "Acute toxic class method" | Author: Klein E | Year: 2003 | Guideline: 423 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | Acute toxicity: oral Robust Study Summary -- Title: No information | Author: Lewis RJ | Year: 1996 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: N. -
Toxicological | Repeated dose toxicity: oral Robust Study Summary -- Title: A 90-day drinking water toxicity study in rats of the Environmental contaminant ammonium perchlorate. | Author: Siglin JC et al. | Year: 2000 | Guideline: 408 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | Epidemiological data Robust Study Summary -- Title: The effect of perchlorate thiocyanate and nitrate on thyroid function in workers exposed to perchlorate long-term | Author: Braverman LE, He X, Pino S et al | Year: 2005 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. -
Toxicological | Epidemiological data Robust Study Summary -- Title: Thyroid health status of ammonium perchlorate workers: a cross-sectional occupational health study | Author: Lamm SH, Braverman LE and Li FX et al | Year: 1999 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: N. -
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates Robust Study Summary -- Title: Acute toxicity in daphnia magna under static conditions | Author: L'Haridon J | Year: 2004 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates Right to refer to study -- Title: Acute toxicity in daphnia magna under static conditions | Author: L'Haridon J | Year: 2004 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates Robust Study Summary -- Title: DEVELOPMENT OF FRESHWATER WATER-QUALITY CRITERIA FOR PERCHLORATE | Author: KIRK E. DEAN et al. | Year: 2004 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: N. -
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