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Study name | Short Description | Data Owner |
Phys-Chem | Melting/freezing point test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 11th Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. - cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: 102 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Melting/freezing point test | Right to refer to study -- Title: Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 11th Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. - cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: 102 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Phys-Chem | Boiling point test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 3rd Ed., Vol.2, John Wiley and Sons, NY, 309-321. - cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Author: Kirk-Othmer | Guideline: 103 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Boiling point test | Right to refer to study -- Title: Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 3rd Ed., Vol.2, John Wiley and Sons, NY, 309-321. - cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Author: Kirk-Othmer | Guideline: 103 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Phys-Chem | Density | Robust Study Summary -- Title: The Merck Index, 11th ed. Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, 104. -cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: 109 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Density | Right to refer to study -- Title: The Merck Index, 11th ed. Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, 104. -cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: 109 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Internal report to the BUA dossier of aniline, -cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: 104 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Vapour pressure test | Right to refer to study -- Title: Internal report to the BUA dossier of aniline, -cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: 104 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Phys-Chem | Water solubility test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals, p. 111, Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co. , -cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: 105 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Water solubility test | Right to refer to study -- Title: The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs and Biologicals, p. 111, Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co. , -cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: 105 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Phys-Chem | log Kow test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Analytik und Meßtechnik, unpublished study No. 87.20.1, 20 Nov 1987 | Author: BASF AG | Year: 1987 | Guideline: 107/117 | Klimisch score: 1 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | log Kow test | Right to refer to study -- Title: Analytik und Meßtechnik, unpublished study No. 87.20.1, 20 Nov 1987 | Author: BASF AG | Year: 1987 | Guideline: 107/117 | Klimisch score: 1 | BASF SE |
Toxicological | in vivo skin irritation test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Ergebnis der gewerbetoxikologischen Vorprüfung - Anilin | Guideline: 404 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | in vivo skin irritation test | Right to refer to study -- Title: Ergebnis der gewerbetoxikologischen Vorprüfung - Anilin;Guideline: 404 | Klimisch score: 2 | BASF AG |
Toxicological | in vivo skin irritation test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Comparison of the local lymph node assay with the guinea-pig maximization test for the detection of a range of contact allergens. Food Chem. Toxicol. 30, 65-69 | Author: LLNA | Guideline: 406, 429 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | in vivo skin irritation test | Right to refer to study -- Title: Comparison of the local lymph node assay with the guinea-pig maximization test for the detection of a range of contact allergens. Food Chem. Toxicol. 30, 65-69 | Author: LLNA | Guideline: 406, 429 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Salmonella mutagenicity test results for 250 chemicals. Environ Mutagen. 5 Suppl 1, 1-142 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Salmonella mutagenicity test results for 250 chemicals. Environ Mutagen. 5 Suppl 1, 1-142 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Mutagenicity of extracts of urine from rats treated with aromatic amines. Mutat Res 79, 173-176 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Mutagenicity of extracts of urine from rats treated with aromatic amines. Mutat Res 79, 173-176 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Reproducibility of microbial mutagenicity assays: I. Tests with Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli using a standardized protocol. Environ Mutagen. 6, Suppl 2, 1-251. | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Reproducibility of microbial mutagenicity assays: I. Tests with Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli using a standardized protocol. Environ Mutagen. 6, Suppl 2, 1-251. | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity by the oral route | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Bericht über die Prüfung der Hämoglobin (Methämoglobin-)bildenden Wirkung von Anilin p. a. (MERCK) an der Katze. | Guideline: 420, 423, 425 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity by the oral route | Right to refer to study -- Title: Bericht über die Prüfung der Hämoglobin (Methämoglobin-)bildenden Wirkung von Anilin p. a. (MERCK) an der Katze. | Guideline: 420, 423, 425 | Klimisch score: 2 | BASF AG |
Eco-Tox | Short term aquatic toxicity testing on invertebrates (Daphnia) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Immobilisation Test of Aniline Compounds with the Crustacean Daphnia magna.Report to Danish Environmental Protection Agency, GLP Study No. 308209/609-625 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 1 | AN MNB Consortium |
Eco-Tox | Short term aquatic toxicity testing on invertebrates (Daphnia) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Immobilisation Test of Aniline Compounds with the Crustacean Daphnia magna.Report to Danish Environmental Protection Agency, GLP Study No. 308209/609-625 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 1 | Report to Danish EPA |
Eco-Tox | Short term aquatic toxicity testing on fish | Robust Study Summary -- Title: The toxicity of aniline to rainbow trout. Water Res 16(8): 1309-1312 | Guideline: 203 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Eco-Tox | Short term aquatic toxicity testing on fish | Right to refer to study -- Title: The toxicity of aniline to rainbow trout. Water Res 16(8): 1309-1312 | Guideline: 203 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Environmental | Ready biodegradability test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: The European system of standardized legal tests for assessing the biodegradability of chemicals. Environ Toxicol Chem 10: 1237-1246. | Author: Nyholm, N. | Year: 1991 | Guideline: 301B/D/E | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Environmental | Ready biodegradability test | Right to refer to study -- Title: The European system of standardized legal tests for assessing the biodegradability of chemicals. Environ Toxicol Chem 10: 1237-1246. | Author: Nyholm, N. | Year: 1991 | Guideline: 301B/D/E | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Phys-Chem | Flammability | Robust Study Summary -- Title: National Database for Safety Data of the Physikalisch-technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, -cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: A 10 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Flammability | Right to refer to study -- Title: National Database for Safety Data of the Physikalisch-technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, -cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: A 10 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Phys-Chem | Explosive properties test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: expert judgement | Guideline: A 14 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Explosive properties test | Right to refer to study -- Title: expert judgement | Guideline: A 14 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Oxidising properties test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: National Database for Safety Data of the Physikalisch-technische Bundesan-stalt, Braunschweig, - cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: A 17 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Oxidising properties test | Right to refer to study -- Title: National Database for Safety Data of the Physikalisch-technische Bundesan-stalt, Braunschweig, - cited in EU Risk Assessment Report | Guideline: A 17 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | Eye irritation assessment | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Ergebnis der gewerbetoxikologischen Vorprüfung - Anilin | Guideline: 405 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | Eye irritation assessment | Right to refer to study -- Title: Ergebnis der gewerbetoxikologischen Vorprüfung - Anilin | Guideline: 405 | Klimisch score: 2 | BASF AG |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in mammalian cells (MLA) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Mouse lymphoma L5178Y thymidine kinase locus assay of 50 compounds. Mutagenesis 3, 193-205 | Guideline: 476, 474, 475 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in mammalian cells (MLA) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Mouse lymphoma L5178Y thymidine kinase locus assay of 50 compounds. Mutagenesis 3, 193-205 | Guideline: 476, 474, 475 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in mammalian cells (MLA) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Point mutations at the thymidine kinase locus in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells. II. Test validation and interpretation. Mutat. Res. 72, 447-474 | Guideline: 476, 474, 475 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in mammalian cells (MLA) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Point mutations at the thymidine kinase locus in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells. II. Test validation and interpretation. Mutat. Res. 72, 447-474 | Guideline: 476, 474, 475 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in mammalian cells (MLA) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Chromosome tests with 134 compounds on Chinese hamster cells in vitro - a screening for chemical carcinogens. Mutat Res 48, 337-354. | Author: Ishidate M Jr and Odashima S | Year: 1977 | Guideline: 473 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in mammalian cells (MLA) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Chromosome tests with 134 compounds on Chinese hamster cells in vitro - a screening for chemical carcinogens. Mutat Res 48, 337-354. | Author: Ishidate M Jr and Odashima S | Year: 1977 | Guideline: 473 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | Genetic Toxicity in vivo | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Aniline hydrochloride: Rat bone marrow micronucleus test (OECD Compliant Study) | Author: CTL | Year: 2002 | Guideline: 474 | Klimisch score: 1 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | Genetic Toxicity in vivo | Right to refer to study -- Title: Aniline hydrochloride: Rat bone marrow micronucleus test (OECD Compliant Study) | Author: CTL | Year: 2002 | Guideline: 474 | Klimisch score: 1 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity by inhalation | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Inhalation Median Lethal Concentration (LC50) with Cover Letter. Unpublished Report 1.12.80-29.1.81 | Guideline: 403 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity by inhalation | Right to refer to study -- Title: Inhalation Median Lethal Concentration (LC50) with Cover Letter. Unpublished Report 1.12.80-29.1.81 | Guideline: 403 | Klimisch score: 2 | DuPont de Nemours |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity by the dermal route (rabbit) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Comparative acute effects of some chemicals on the skin of rabbits and guinea pigs. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 7, 559-565 | Guideline: 402 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | Acute toxicity by the dermal route (rabbit) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Comparative acute effects of some chemicals on the skin of rabbits and guinea pigs. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 7, 559-565 | Guideline: 402 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Toxicological | Short term repeated dose toxicity study (28 days; oral route) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Aniline. Subacute inhalation toxicity in rats (Exposure: 10 x 6 hours). | Guideline: 407, 410, 412 | Klimisch score: 1 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | Short term repeated dose toxicity study (28 days; oral route) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Aniline. Subacute inhalation toxicity in rats (Exposure: 10 x 6 hours). | Guideline: 407, 410, 412 | Klimisch score: 1 | Bayer |
Toxicological | Pre-natal developmental toxicity study (one species) | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Evaluation of 60 chemicals in a preliminary developmental toxicity test | Guideline: 421, 422 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Toxicological | Pre-natal developmental toxicity study (one species) | Right to refer to study -- Title: Evaluation of 60 chemicals in a preliminary developmental toxicity test | Guideline: 421, 422 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |
Phys-Chem | Dissociation constant test | Robust Study Summary -- Title: Beilstein Institut zur Foerderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften 26/09/06 Reg.-Nr. 605631 | Guideline: 112 | Klimisch score: 2 | AN MNB Consortium |
Phys-Chem | Dissociation constant test | Right to refer to study -- Title: Beilstein Institut zur Foerderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften 26/09/06 Reg.-Nr. 605631 | Guideline: 112 | Klimisch score: 2 | Publication |