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CAS 497-19-8 | Data Package 10 - 100 t/a (Affiliates of Solvay)

Price: POA
All endpoints used in the EU REACH dossier and needed in the Turkey REACH dossier.

Product Features:

  • CAS 497-19-8

  • EC 207-838-8

  • Sodium Carbonate

  • CH2O3.2Na


Study name Short Description Data Owner
Phys-Chem | Appearance/physical state/colour Robust Study Summary -- Title: Determination of physico-chemical properties of sodium carbonate | Author: NOTOX B.V. | Year: 2010 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Melting point/freezing point Robust Study Summary -- Title: CRC Handbook of chemistry and physics | Author: Weast RC | Year: 1986 | Guideline: 102 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. -
Phys-Chem | Melting point/freezing point Robust Study Summary -- Title: The Merck Index an encyclopedia of chemicals drugs and biologicals | Author: Windholz M. | Year: 1983 | Guideline: 102 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. -
Phys-Chem | Density Robust Study Summary -- Title: Determination of physico-chemical properties of sodium carbonate | Author: Notox B.V. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 109 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Density Right to refer to study -- Title: Determination of physico-chemical properties of sodium carbonate | Author: Notox B.V. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 109 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Density Robust Study Summary -- Title: CRC Handbook of chemistry and physics 66th edition CRC Press Inc Boca Raton Florida | Author: Weast RC | Year: 1986 | Guideline: 109 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: N. -
Phys-Chem | Water solubility Robust Study Summary -- Title: Solubility in water at 20°C of sodium carbonate from Solvay Carbonate France S.A.S | Author: Seguin J-Y | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 105 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. -
Phys-Chem | Water solubility Robust Study Summary -- Title: Determination of physico-chemical properties of sodium carbonate | Author: Notox B.V. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 105 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Water solubility Right to refer to study -- Title: Determination of physico-chemical properties of sodium carbonate | Author: Notox B.V. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 105 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Water solubility Robust Study Summary -- Title: CRC Handbook of chemistry and physics 66th edition CRC Press Inc Boca Raton Florida | Author: Weast RC | Year: 1986 | Guideline: 105 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. -
Phys-Chem | Particle size distribution (Granulometry)/Fibre length and diameter distribution Robust Study Summary -- Title: Particle Size Analysis on Samples of Sodium Carbonate | Author: Chilworth Technology Limited | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 110 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Particle size distribution (Granulometry)/Fibre length and diameter distribution Right to refer to study -- Title: Particle Size Analysis on Samples of Sodium Carbonate | Author: Chilworth Technology Limited | Year: 2010 | Guideline: 110 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Flammability Robust Study Summary -- Title: Determination of physico-chemical properties of sodium carbonate | Author: Notox B.V. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: A.10-13 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Flammability Right to refer to study -- Title: Determination of physico-chemical properties of sodium carbonate | Author: Notox B.V. | Year: 2010 | Guideline: A.10-13 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Phys-Chem | Oxidising properties Robust Study Summary -- Title: Cited in: CHEMINFO Chemical Profiles Created by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Safety and Health (CCOSH) | Author: Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) | Year: 2009 | Guideline: A.17/21 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. -
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion Robust Study Summary -- Title: Evaluation of a human patch test for the identification and classification of skin irritation potential | Author: York M; et al. | Year: 1996 | Guideline: 404 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion Robust Study Summary -- Title: Prufung von leichte calc. soda im hautreiztest am kaninchen. | Author: Chibanguza G. | Year: 1985 | Guideline: 404 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | Skin irritation / corrosion Right to refer to study -- Title: Prufung von leichte calc. soda im hautreiztest am kaninchen. | Author: Chibanguza G. | Year: 1985 | Guideline: 404 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | Eye irritation Robust Study Summary -- Title: Prufung von leichte calc. soda im hautreiztest am kaninchen. | Author: Chibanguza G. | Year: 1985 | Guideline: 405 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | Eye irritation Right to refer to study -- Title: Prufung von leichte calc. soda im hautreiztest am kaninchen. | Author: Chibanguza G. | Year: 1985 | Guideline: 405 | Klimisch score: 1 - Reliable without restriction | Adequacy: key study | GLP: Y. -
Toxicological | in vitro cytogenicity study in mammalian cells (CA) Robust Study Summary -- Title: Summarized data of genotoxicity tests for designated food additives in Japan | Author: Masami Yamada and Masamitsu Honma | Year: 2018 | Guideline: 473 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Toxicological | in vitro cytogenicity study in mammalian cells (CA) Robust Study Summary -- Title: Mutagenicity test of food additives with Salmonella typhimurium TA97 TA102 (VI) | Author: Fujita H; Sumi C; Sasaki M. | Year: 1991 | Guideline: 473 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) Robust Study Summary -- Title: Study of the genotoxic potential of 48 inorganic derivatives with the SOS chromotest | Author: Olivier Ph; Marzin D. | Year: 1987 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: N. -
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) Robust Study Summary -- Title: Summarized data of genotoxicity tests for designated food additives in Japan | Author: Masami Yamada and Masamitsu Honma | Year: 2018 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) Robust Study Summary -- Title: Mutagenicity test of food additives with Salmonella typhimurium TA97 TA102 (VI) | Author: Fujita H; Sumi C; Sasaki M. | Year: 1991 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Toxicological | in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria (Ames) Robust Study Summary -- Title: Evaluation of the ability of a battery of three in vitro genotoxicity tests to discriminate rodent carcinogens and non-carcinogens I. Sensitivity specificity and relative predictivity | Author: Kirkland D et al. | Year: 2005 | Guideline: 471 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study. -
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to fish Robust Study Summary -- Title: The relationship of bluegill sunfish body size to tolerance for some common chemicals | Author: Cairns J. Jr. and Scheier A. | Year: 1959 | Guideline: 203 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. -
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to fish Robust Study Summary -- Title: Toxicity to Gambusia affinis of certain pure chemicals in turbid waters | Author: Wallen I.E. Greer W.C. and Lasater R. | Year: 1957 | Guideline: 203 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: N. -
Eco-Tox | Short-term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates Robust Study Summary -- Title: Toxicity of laundry detergent components to a freshwater cladoceran and their contribution to detergent toxicity | Author: Warne MS; Schifko AD | Year: 1999 | Guideline: 202 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: key study | GLP: N. -
Eco-Tox | Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria Robust Study Summary -- Title: Inhibitory effects of laundry detergents on the growth of freshwater algae | Author: Atsuko N.YAMANE; Mitsumasa OKADA; Ryuichi SUDO | Year: 1984 | Guideline: 201 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: weight of evidence | GLP: N. -
Eco-Tox | Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria Robust Study Summary -- Title: Effects of NaCl and Na2CO3 stresses on photosynthetic ability of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | Author: Zhaojiang Zuo et al. | Year: 2014 | Guideline: 201 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study | GLP: N. -
Eco-Tox | Toxicity to microorganisms Robust Study Summary -- Title: Microbial ecology and performance of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in biological processes treating petrochemical wastewater with high strength of ammonia: effect of Na2CO3 addition | Author: Whang L.M. et al. | Year: 2009 | Guideline: 209 | Klimisch score: 2 - Reliable with restrictions | Adequacy: supporting study. -
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